Monday, December 19, 2011

Cuddly Moshlings

Have you noticed all the new Cuddly Moshlings? There's one for just about all of them! Check out this Moshling Zoo that one of our staffers set up. It's sweet!

These are VERY special items because most of them are not available in any shop in Monstro City. To get them, you have to get a secret code. The secret codes are found in Moshi Monsters TOYS. You never know which secret item you're going to get! You can get Moshi Monsters toys at most major UK toy retailers including The Entertainer, Tesco, Sainsbury's, Toys R Us, and Argos. If you're not in the UK, head over to The Moshi Store to stock up.


Metropolis said...

This blog has been UPDATED

Metropolis said...

Its 5:47 and I'M GOING TO BED