Saturday, December 24, 2011

Twistmas Singing Contest Winners

There is just one more day until Twistmas, and that means it's time to announce the Moshi Twistmas Singing Contest winners! There were so many amazing entries that even I couldn't keep my eyes on all of them at once! The grand prize winner of the Nintendo DS, Moshi DS case, and Moshling Zoo game is the owner of this amazing video! Check it out! Not only can they sing, but these kids dressed up as Moshi characters, too!

The two runners-up made the videos below, and hey've each won 2000 Rox! We loved their enthusiasm!

We'll contact you through your Youtube inbox to award your prizes! Congrats to everybody who entered! You all did a fangtastic job! Have you downloaded the song yet?

1 comment:

Cocoafang said...

I think the last one was the best but the the other two were ok...